Student Name: _______________________
Antilock Braking Systems Lab Workbook (4825)
Off-car Exercises
Think about ABS Repair:
Misconceptions, The ABS system should be simple and robust, with the Module/ECU/Controller
almost never giving any trouble.
Below are some possible causes for damaging an ECU.
Spiked by careless welding, i.e. MIG welding without disconnecting the battery. True/False
Enclosure seal damaged and with obvious sign of water ingress.
True/False __t____
Obvious signs of mechanical damage to the enclosure.
True/False __t____
Often the ECU will be misdiagnosed as faulty, usually because the technician is inexperienced infault finding.
Faults are much more likely to be with connections or sensors.
True/False ___t___
Discuss how these ECU issues should be incorporated into diagnostic practices to test an ABS system:
ABS Wiring and Operation
Lets review the ABS system to remind ourselves what components are included and how they
should work.
Fill in the blanks with the name of the part:
1 = disc rotor 6 = wheel cylinder
2 = rear wheel sensor 7 = brake booster
3 = pulse ring
4 = ABS/TCS hydraulic modulator
5 = master cylinder
Wiring Diagram Practice
There are a number of components in the ABS systems that are also used for fuel injection. These
are mostly speed sensors e.g. wheel speed and engine speed.
Using the wiring diagram in the workshop manuals identify the wheel speed sensors and list their
wire colours for each sensor
Front right Black
Front left Red
Rear left Pink
Rear right Brown
On the ABS wheel sensor what is the reason for the braded wire?
So that if the wire comes loose and rubs on the tire or rotor it does not rip or fray
Identify and list all the fuses that are used by the ABS circuit
F.L main
F.L alter
Identify the earths for the ABS control unit and ABS motor their wire colours what pins numbers
The motor is on pins 1a and 2a and is earthed off 2a and the colour is white with a black stripe
The control unit is on pin 4a and 3a and is earthed through PKB on pin 10b of the ABS ecu then gets earthed at B1
On the wiring diagram for the ABS actuator, identify which solenoids control which wheel cylinder.
Then note the wire colours and pin numbers
Front Right Wheel
Pin number 2b and 6b
Wire colour rw and rg_________________
Front Left Wheel
Pin number 7b and 3b_________________
Wire colour lr and lw_________________
Rear Left Wheel
Pin number_3b and 7b_______________
Wire colour_brw,brr________________
Rear Right Wheel
Pin number 8b and 4b ________________
Wire colour gb, gy________________
Using the picture on the next page as a guide, which of the following gives the correct condition of
the inlet and outlet solenoids valves under normal braking?
A: ____ Inlet valve Open Outlet valve Open
B: √ Inlet valve Open Outlet valve Closed
C: ____ Inlet valve Closed Outlet valve Open
D: ____ Inlet valve Closed Outlet valve Closed
Using the picture on the next page as a guide, which of the following gives the correct condition of
The inlet and outlet solenoids valves when the ABS is operating to reduce wheel brake pressure?
A: ____ Inlet valve Open Outlet valve Open
B:____ Inlet valve Open Outlet valve Closed
C: √ Inlet valve Closed Outlet valve Open
D: ____ Inlet valve Closed Outlet valve Closed
Using the picture as a guide, which of the following gives the correct condition of the inlet and outlet
solenoids valves when the ABS is operating to hold brake pressure?
A:____ Inlet valve Open Outlet valve Open
B:____ Inlet valve Open Outlet valve Close
C:____ Inlet valve Closed Outlet valve Open
D: √ Inlet valve Closed Outlet valve Closed
Using the picture as a guide, which of the following gives the correct condition of the inlet and outlet
solenoids valves when the ABS is operating to increase wheel brake pressure?
A:____ Inlet valve Open Outlet valve Open
B: √ Inlet valve Open Outlet valve Closed
C:____ Inlet valve Closed Outlet valve Open
D:____ Inlet valve Closed Outlet valve Closed
In the four cases above state when the ABS motor will be working?
The ABS motor will be working in the holding pressure and releasing pressure and the increasing pressure state because this is when the pump is working which needs the motor to work.
There are three main types of wheel sensors on modern vehicles. One sends an analogue signal
Using an inductive pick up, the others send a digital signal using ether hall effect or magnetoresistant
On the graph below draw a digital signal that switches 5 volts every 2 seconds.
Mark volt and time scales on graph that will show the signal well.
On the graph below draw an analogue signal with a frequency of 0.5 Hz and a maximum of +3
volts. Mark volt and time scales on graph that will show the signal well.
ABS Demonstrators
Locate the wiring diagram for your demonstrator vehicle. Find the ABS wheel speed sensor pinout
connections to the ECU on the wiring diagram and the demonstrator. Record which ECU wires
go to which wheel speed sensors:
Left front ECU Pin # ____4____ and ___5_____
Left rear ECU Pin # ____7____ and ____9____
Right front ECU Pin # ___11_____ and ___21_____
Right rear ECU Pin # ____24____ and ___26_____
By looking at the wiring diagram, what type of speed sensor is this?
___hall effect
Describe how it works:
Locate an oscilloscope. Turn it on and set it up to be fully operational. What oscilloscope are you
using? Digitech QC1922_________________________
Record a waveform for each wheel speed sensor in the boxes below. Note voltage per division
and time per division for each. Please don’t keep the ABS units on very long because it drains the
Which wheel is this? ___LF_____
Which wheel is this? ___RF_____
Which wheel is this? _____LR___
Are all the waveforms exactly the same? Yes ____ No X__. Discuss what are the differences,
and what can cause these differences between the waveforms:
_the voltage reading and thew amplitude of the wave form______________________________________________________________________________
With the wheel speed sensors spinning, measure AC volts with a multi-meter and record here:
Left front ________3.5
Left rear ________2.5
Right front ________4.4
Right rear ________5.2
Can a multi-meter be as accurate in finding problems with the wheel speed sensors as an
oscilloscope? Yes ____ No __X__
Discuss what the oscilloscope could find that the multi-meter can not find and why:
ABS Relays
Record the name of the relay or switch that powers up the ABS ECU: (look at the wiring diagram)
Record the name of the relay or switch that powers up the ABS pump: (look at the wiring diagram)
Record the name of the relay or switch that sends power to the ABS HCU solenoids: (look at the
wiring diagram)
Relay wire identification: (Consult the wiring diagram)
What is the ECU pin number for the wire that brings in the power to the ABS ECU?
________pin 1___________
What is the ECU pin number, or other number, for the wire that controls the relay for the ABS
______pin 27_____________
What is the pin number for the wire that brings in the power to the ABS Pump?
________pin 30___________
What is the pin number, or other number, for the wire that controls the relay for the ABS Pump?
_____pin 28______________
Relay waveform: Capture a waveform that shows both the control circuit change when it turns on
the relay, and the power switching on to power something in the ABS system. (Use an oscilloscope time= I on, 3.2 off, .2 per division. Volts= 0-12
with two channels to capture this pattern. You may have to carefully set the trigger to capture this.)
Record the waveform below with the time and volts per division, and explain what you are
Explain with arrows what is happening in the waveform above.
ABS Pump Relay waveform: Capture a waveform that shows both the control circuit change
when it turns on the relay, and the power switching on to power the ABS Pump. (Use a oscilloscope
with two channels to capture this pattern. You may have to carefully set the trigger to capture this.)
Record the waveform below with the time and volts per division.
Explain with arrows what is happening in the waveform above.
Time=.2 per division 1.5on 6off volts= 0-12
Observe what happens during the ABS Self Test when you first turn the key on. Watch the warning
lights, and observe power at the wires with the oscilloscope. Then discuss what is happening in the
ABS system during the Self Test.
______________________________________________________________________tcs stays on for 4 sec abs does not not turn off_________
time= .2 on 6x.2 off
Create a fault in the system by slowing down a wheel speed sensor or safely shorting out an
inductive wheel speed sensor while you are applying the brakes. (Don’t’ short out a Hall Effect or
Magneto-Resistive sensor) As you are applying the brakes, notice if the ABS pumps turns on,
solenoids turn on, or if the hydraulic pressure changes in one of the brake circuits and shows up on
the pressure gauge. Discuss what is happening below:
______________________________________________________________________abs dosent work_________
Catch an oscilloscope pattern when an ABS solenoid has actuated. What is the pin and name of
the solenoid?pin 1 and earth ___________ How did you do it?
I put wires to pin 1 and earth_______________________________________________________________________________
_____2.4 off and 2.5 on at .2 per division and 12 volts_____________________________________
Draw the oscilloscope pattern below. Note the time and voltage per division.